Sunday, April 25, 2004

The name of this blog originates from a 1983 tune by the Fleshtones, Right Side Of A Good Thing. I hosted a radio show in college with the same name, and always liked the sound of it. As the 1985 Hazen High Class Optimist, I have always been a very positive person... one who always tried to make the best of any situation. Thus, being the glass half-full kind of guy, the past three years have been a struggle for me. Since 9/11/01, I have wrestled with the beauty and satisfaction of my everyday life and the horror and insanity of my worldly view... do I live in an isolated,unrealistic, liberal bubble or are my perceptions of the "truth" dead on? Time and time again, my research and study validates my view of the world.

And because I hope to never live with the guilt of my children and grandkids asking why I didn't do anything to stop the Bush Administration's madness, I embark on this weblog journey. I'm sure it will be satisfying!

Dennis Lapchis
Amazingly, Bush and Kerry are neck and neck going into the stretch, according to recent poll numbers.

And even more shocking… according to another recent poll, conducted by the University of Maryland, “A staggering 82 percent of respondents believed most experts supported the notion that Iraq was providing "substantial support" to al-Qaida -- a contention that President Bush himself has been forced to disavow.”

Don’t tell me the neocon disinformation campaign (i.e. propaganda) doesn’t work!

Based on the above info, this is what we must contemplate… What will you (anyone that feels the Bush Administration is heading this country in the wrong direction.) do come 2005 and George Bush is still President?! There are plenty of things you could do… will you take action?!

Hello Friends and Family,

Wonderful times with family... Busy times with career... Disturbing times with current political situation. I'm going to give this blogging thing a try and see how it works out. So much to say, but I often feel that I'm living in a common sense vacuum... most people go about their daily business and never stop to think about the world that is being created about them... just another cog in the wheel.

I'm hoping the web logging experience can be a positive outlet for me and help in my desire to make a contribution to the world in which we live... at the minimum, my kids deserve a determined effort from their Papa to help abandon the reckless course the Bush Administration has dangerously thrust the people of this great nation. Endless War?! Not if I can help it!