Saturday, July 10, 2004

Folks, we do live in fictitious times. The news that came out in the past 72 hours would make a great Keystone Cops comedy if it weren't so real and tragic.

- Senate Report Says U.S. Went To War on False WMD Info... then the music stopped, and there was no chair underneath Bush's ass... if this isn't the biggest fucking OOPS in U.S. history, I'd like to hear otherwise. The report conveniently blames the Tenet-less CIA, because the treasonous SOB's who rammed this war down our throats have blood on their hands.

- Iraq Insurgency Larger Than Thought... Hmmm, there are four times more "Insurgents" than we thought, the Iraqi people seem to hate us, and we haven't been offered a flower in months... it's looking like that bad intelligence thing again... oops!

- Pentagon Claims That Bush Military Records Destroyed... Yes, the only public documents that could have cleared up those nagging AWOL questions seem to have mysteriously been destroyed... oops!

Ridge Warns Al Qaeda May Strike Before Elections... We have reason to believe that Al Qaeda is planning an attack to disrupt the November elections... unfortunately, there is no new evidence, we don't know where, when, or by what means the attack will take place... but, despite the appearance of this seemingly politically motivated, bad intelligence, we urge you to check under your bed at night and be very, very afraid... it could be too dangerous to go to the polls in November!
- Was This Latest Terror Warning Politically Motivated... Oops! Hmmm, maybe the American people are waking up?

- Dollar Falls as Homeland Security Warns of Attack... Oops! But, we promise never to blame the decline of our economy on the "CIA's" bad intelligence... or our miserably bad decisions... it will all be blamed on those scary towelheads who hate our freedom!

- Ex-Enron CEO Pleads Not Guilty to Fraud... "Kenny Boy" Lay, the GW "Pioneer" campaign contributor, takes the perp walk, and looks quite good in those handcuffs. DOH!

Yes, an unbelievable smorgasbord of information that may just have had enough time, in this world of 24 hour news cycles, to have fallen down the memory hole by Monday morning.

-Paul Revere

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